Water Share Foreclosure
Water Share Foreclosure
The process of foreclosing on water shares (Metered or Standby) for those shareholders who are significantly past due on their bills is listed below:
- Meters will be read in September from this point forward.
- Invoices will go out sometime in November, due in January of following year.
- After one billing and 3 statements with no payment or response, the shareholder will be placed on the list for foreclosure of the water share(s) and a Notice of Unpaid Assessment will be filed with the Summit County Recorder.
- Notice of Delinquency will be sent by certified mail to the shareholder and they will have 30 days to respond and/or pay in full.
- After 30 days, no further notice will be given and shareholder will be turned over to Revenue Recovery for collections and/or foreclosure on water share(s).
This time frame gives each shareholder one year from the time they get their bill to either;
- Dispute the bill in writing and get the board to change the billing in accordance with the current Bylaws and Rules & Regulations.
- Request the One-Time Reduction of their bill due to a leak, as set forth in the Rules and Regulations Section
- Set up a payment plan in order to pay their bill