Please Help Us With The Safety Of Our Employees

I am writing this post to ask everyone to help us with the safety of our employees on the ranch. Today we had a gentleman who was upset that we had the road down to one lane and they had to wait less than 30 seconds to get a vehicle by. Once the SUV approached the trench as one of our water company employees was guiding them by, he swerved his vehicle and stepped on the gas towards our employee. Summit County Sheriff’s office was notified about the incident and a case was opened. We are only doing our job and providing water to everyone who is entitled to it as a property owner. Sometimes we do have to shut the road down, sometimes we can leave it to one lane and sometimes we just might have to move something to get traffic by. We try to do everything to the best of our ability and not create any traffic problems. Please just slow down and be patient with our crews on the ranch. Everyone has built a home or has had something, or someone impede traffic and cause an inconvenience to their neighbor. If you ever feel like we could have done something better or improve on something, please swing by our office (1567 W Arapaho Dr) or attend a PMMWC board meeting. Thank you for reading and hopefully we can all work together on the ranch to make it a better place. Our employees already work in a dangerous environment with trenches, power, pressurized water lines and heavy equipment. Let’s not make traffic one more thing for them to worry about. Please slow down and be patient for them to complete their job.