On Thursday Oct. 20 at 9:00P.M. a leak of 22gpm has been noticed on our history trend. This leak is really hurting us on not being able to pump to the tanks. Please check your cabin there has been a some yard hydrants that have been turned on by someone other than the homeowners. If you notice this leak please contact us by email or at 801-641-0111. You will want to be sure to check your own place a leak this siggnificant can cost both the homeowner and the water company lots of money (22gpmx60min=1320perhr/1320perhrx24hrs=31,680perday.) If you notice water running where you have never seen it before please contact us. It is begining to get cold on the ranch and we are affraid we will have freezing lines if you have not turned your meter off or got your cabin ready for it. Thanks again for all your help in finding these leaks we rely on the public for eyes and do appreciate it…