We have got all water restored to Uintah View Rd. and Alexander Canyon.  All the pipe line is laid, but there is still minor things to do such as haul off dirt piles and clean up.  Please be polite to all crews working on the water project.  Thank You PMMW Manager

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Navajo Rd. has now been turned on down to the intersection of Navajo Rd. and Yellow Moon.  This completes Navajo down to Yellow Moon including Deer Loop, all water has been flushed and if you have a new meter you may turn your water on.  If you do not have a new meter the meter crew will…

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Crews on Uintah View have got all meters tied back in and water will be restored to those meters by 8/31/2006.  The rest of the pipe line we are hoping to have done by the second week of September,  as long as the digging goes as planned.

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The crews on Navajo Rd. have completed Deer Loop and are now down to the intersection of Navajo and Yellow Moon.  Digging has gone a little slower due to hard sand stone, but we are still making progress.  Water will be restored down to and up Deer Loop possibly by the 8th of Sept. and…

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Progress on Uintah View is a little behind schedule due to rock and ledge.  Crews were unable to lay pipe for about 4 days due to this rock, we had to jackhammer in order to continue.  The pipe is now down around the sharp corner about half way down and will continue as planned.

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Our progress on Navajo Rd. is on schedule as planned, the crews are on there way up Deer Loop this week (8/22/06) and should have it completed by the end of this week (8/25/2006).  Once Deer Loop is completed the crew will head down Navajo and then up Yellow Moon when they reach that intersection,…

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Storage Tank Move – UPDATE

For those without water service caused by the removal of the water tanks on Valley Vista, service should be restored by Augut 1st. Thanks for your patience.

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Unita View – UPDATE

The new water line install for Unita View is going very well. We are nearly half way and should have service restored by mid September. Just as any new line install, we are buring the lines deeper and with better materials. This takes time and as in the case of the Navajo Road install, we might run…

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New Line on Navajo – UPDATE

If you live on Navajo Road or off of it you’ve probably notice the work currently underway. This project will be completed in phases. This update should give those of you affected by the project some estimation of restored service. The top section of Navajo Road down past Navajo Drive is expected to be completed by the end of the…

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Storage Tank Move, Water Off

The Water Company will be turning the water off to most of the ranch to move two old existing tanks to a temporary location so they can be hooked back up to the system for normal operation. We will be turning the water off July 25th to most of the ranch. The construction crew has told…

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