Construction Season Ends/Cold Weather Tips.
Construction season for the water company has come to end for 2022. This means no more new connections or projects for the water system. We would like to thank everyone for a safe year and appreciate everyone that slowed down and gave us plenty of space for a safe work zone. We will be moving into our winter emergency repair only program and hope to have nothing major happen throughout the winter. As the colder months begin there are always things to consider that could help both PMMWC and the customer. Both water operators for PMMWC have been on the ranch for many years and have seen just about everything that could go wrong. Here are some basic winter tips that could save both money and time when dealing with an emergency.
1. Place a garbage bag of insulation or an old blanket in your meter can on top of the meter. This will help trap in the warm ground temperature that is in the meter can and keep the cold air out of the empty space. There is a lot of metal inside that meter can that conducts the cold and will freeze the meter setter and meter.
2. If you are not going to be at your cabin for long periods of time, shut off the water at the meter. We have seen a lot of times people shut it off in the cabin, but then have a break from the meter to the cabin.
3. Place lots of snow on the meter can. If you dig your meter up for any reason, please make sure to pile snow back on top. Snow is great insulation and will prevent any freezing in or around the meter can. We have seen in the months of January-March the meter lids melt off and then cold temps at night freeze the meter. If you notice your meter lid showing just make sure to try and pile snow on it.
4. Mark Your Meter. If for any reason PMMWC or the lot owner needs to access the meter in the winter months, finding them is very difficult. Please mark your meter with something rigid that is at least 6′-8′ tall. Place the marker within 1′-2′ of the meter lid so that the meter can be found in an emergency situation.
We hope everyone has a safe time and enjoys the ranch during these coming months.