On May 26, 2009 and approximately for 4 to 5 weeks, the water company is redeveloping Uncle Tom’s Well located about a half mile north of Elk Rd. It has been the primary source for water since the development of the ranch, because there is only single phase power at the well, it is limited to a very small pump and is pumping less than its capability. However, in the late 1970’s and early 80’s this well was producing a good volume of water. There are many geological studies that conclude that by scrubbing and redeveloping the well and increasing the water flow, it would be in the best interest of the ranch. Please fill your water tanks prior to May 26, 2009, deadline. This will take the burden off the water system during this project and will allow keeping as much water in the storage tanks as possible. Please conserve water!!! Thank you to everyone for enduring our 3-year project to its completion!!! For further questions contact Brody Blonquist at 801-641-0111…