Repair Underway on Navajo

We will begin repair work on the Navajo leak today and hope to have it up and flowing by tomorrow. Thanks

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Tollgate Back On

We did much searching to find the leak on Tollgate Rd and we were not successful for months. However, once the snow retreated enabling us to find all the meters we were able to locate our problem. A home owner left their cabin for the winter with the meter connection open and while they were away a…

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Busted Line shuts down Aspen Ridge, Woodchuck, Chipmunk, Elk Rd. & 1/2 Alexander

We had a frozen line on Aspen Ridge Dr. that finally thawed out and drained a good portion of our tanks. It has shut down water service to all of Aspen Ridge, Woodchuck, Chipmunk, Elk Road and the top half of Alexander Canyon. We will begin repair work on later this week. May 9, 2006

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Status for May 5th 2006

Last week we discovered a leak on Navajo and it had to be turned off. We will have the line repaired the week of May 8th. Evergreen Cirlcle has been fixed but can not be turned on until Navajo is repaired. Forest Meadows is still off and we are searching for that leak or leaks and we hope to…

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Evergreen Circle… water OFF

Last night, Monday April 17th the water line on Evergreen Circle failed and we have had to disrupt service. We will publish an estimated time for repair in the next few days. If you have any question please call the Water Manager, the office or a member of the board. You can find these numbers on…

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Water Shut Off In Forest Meadows

We are in the process of isolating a leak and have discoved that after shutting off Forest Meadows our tanks began to refill. We will continue to try and resolve this problem. If we can find the leak soon we can make the repair and recharge the line without needing to reset the PRV’s(Pressure Reducing…

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Low water pressure due to leak

Water pressure dropped on Sunday.  We think that it may due to a leak in “A” plat.  If anyone has any information that might help us pinpoint the link please contact the water office at 801-641-0111.

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Tollgate Canyon Line – Service Disrupted

Over the weekend the water level in our tanks began to drop and not recover. We decided on Sunday that it was necessary to shut down the Tollgate Canyon line. This was the only known leak on the ranch and it apparently had become larger. All water service below Modoc Loop on Tollgate Canyon Rd.…

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Tollgate Leak

We have a leak below Boyce’s corner. (We know that there is water from a spring boiling up about half way down and that is not it) If anyone has any information regarding a leak in Tollgate canyon please contact the water company. We may have to shut down the Tollgate canyon line and this…

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